API Documentation


External classes and functions are the public API of the package.

The main command used to parse mesh is gmshparser.parse.

parse(filename: str) → gmshparser.mesh.Mesh

Parse Gmsh .msh file and return Mesh object.

Package contains data structures to describe nodes, node entities, elements and element entities.

class Node


get_coordinates() → Tuple[float, float, float]

Get the coordinates of the node.

get_tag() → int

Get node tag (node id).

set_coordinates(coordinates: Tuple[float, float, float])

Set the coordinates of the node.

set_tag(tag: int)

Set node tag (node id).

class NodeEntity

NodeEntity class holds nodes for one block.

add_node(node: gmshparser.node.Node)

Add new node to entity.

get_dimension() → int

Get the dimension of the entity.

get_node(tag: int) → gmshparser.node.Node

Get node from entity by its tag.

get_nodes() → List[gmshparser.node.Node]

Get all nodes in this entity.

get_number_of_nodes() → int

Get the number of nodes of the entity.

get_number_of_parametric_coordinates() → int

Get the number of parametric coordinates of the entity.

get_tag() → int

Get the tag of the entity.

set_dimension(dimension: int)

Set the dimension of the entity to dimension.

set_number_of_nodes(number_of_nodes: int)

Set the number of nodes of the entity.

set_number_of_parametric_coordinates(npar: int)

Set the number of parametric coordinates of the entity.

set_tag(tag: int)

Set the tag of the entity.

class Element


get_connectivity() → List[int]

Get element connectivity.


Get element tag.

set_connectivity(connectivity: List[int])

Set element connectivity.

set_tag(tag: int)

Set element tag.

class ElementEntity

ElementEntity class holds elements for one block.

add_element(element: gmshparser.element.Element)

Add a new element to the entity.

get_dimension() → int

Get the dimension of the element entity.

get_element(tag: int) → gmshparser.element.Element

Get an element from the entity.

get_element_type() → int

Get element type in element entity.

get_elements() → List[gmshparser.element.Element]

Return all the elements of this entity.

get_number_of_elements() → int

Get the number of elements in entity.

get_tag() → int

Get the tag of the element entity.

set_dimension(dimension: int)

Set the dimension of element entity.

set_element_type(element_type: int)

Set element type in element entity.

set_number_of_elements(number_of_elements: int)

Set the number of elements in entity.

set_tag(tag: int)

Set the tag of the element entity.

The main class is Mesh, which collects everything together.

class Mesh

Mesh is the main class of the package.

add_element_entity(element_entity: gmshparser.element_entity.ElementEntity)

Add element entity to mesh.

add_node_entity(node_entity: gmshparser.node_entity.NodeEntity)

Add node entity to mesh.

get_ascii() → bool

Get a boolean flag whether this mesh is ASCII of binary

get_element_entities() → List[gmshparser.element_entity.ElementEntity]

Get all element entities as dictionary.

get_element_entity(dim: int, tag: int) → gmshparser.element_entity.ElementEntity

Get element entity based on dimension dim and tag tag.

get_max_element_tag() → int

Get element maximum tag.

get_max_node_tag() → int

Get node maximum tag.

get_min_element_tag() → int

Get element minimum tag.

get_min_node_tag() → int

Get node minimum tag.

get_name() → str

Get the name of the mesh.

get_node_entities() → List[gmshparser.node_entity.NodeEntity]

Get all node entities of mesh.

get_node_entity(dim: int, tag: int)

Get node entity based on dimension and tag.

get_number_of_element_entities() → int

Get number of element entities.

get_number_of_elements() → int

Get number of elements.

get_number_of_node_entities() → int

Get number of node entities.

get_number_of_nodes() → int

Get number of nodes.

get_precision() → int

Get the precision of the mesh

get_version() → str

Get the version of the Mesh object

has_element_entity(dim: int, tag: int) → bool

Test does mesh have element entity with (dim, tag).

has_node_entity(dim: int, tag: int) → bool

Test does mesh have node entity of dimension dim and tag tag.

set_ascii(is_ascii: bool)

Set a boolean flag whether this mesh is ASCII or binary

set_max_element_tag(max_element_tag: int)

Set element maximum tag.

set_max_node_tag(max_node_tag: int)

Set node maximum tag.

set_min_element_tag(min_element_tag: int)

Set element minimum tag.

set_min_node_tag(min_node_tag: int)

Set node minimum tag.

set_name(name: str)

Set the name of the mesh.

set_number_of_element_entities(number_of_element_entities: int)

Set number of element entities.

set_number_of_elements(number_of_elements: int)

Set number of elements.

set_number_of_node_entities(number_of_node_entities: int)

Set number of node entities.

set_number_of_nodes(number_of_nodes: int)

Set number of nodes.

set_precision(precision: int)

Set the precision of the mesh (8)

set_version(version: str)

Set the version of the Mesh object


Internal classes and functions are the private API of the package. They can change without any warning.


parse_ints(io: TextIO) → List[int]

Parse first line of io to list of integers.

:param io :: TextIO: Object supporting readline()

Returns:A list of integers
Return type:integers :: List[int]


>>> data = StringIO("1 2 3 4")
>>> parse_ints(data)
[1, 2, 3, 4]
parse_floats(io: TextIO) → List[float]

Parse first line of io to list of floats.

:param io :: TextIO: Object supporting readline()

Returns:A list of floats
Return type:floats :: List[float]


>>> data = StringIO("1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4")
>>> parse_floats(data)
[1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4]


Parsers must be inherited from AbstractParser and they must implement function parse, which is responsible of parsing a section.

class AbstractParser

AbstractParser is a superclass of all other parsers.

All other parsers must inheric AbstractParser and implement their own static methods parse and get_section_name.

The first argument of the parse is a mutable mesh object, which parser modifies in-place. The second argument is io, where parser reads the text file line by line using readline(). Parser must stop reading the file to the section end mark, e.g. $EndNodes in the case of parser which is responsible to parse nodes, starting from a section start mark $Nodes.

Another must-to-implement static method is get_section_name(), which must return the name of the line where this parser should activate. For example, if the section name is $Nodes, then get_section_name() must return string $Nodes.

class MainParser(parsers=[<class 'gmshparser.mesh_format_parser.MeshFormatParser'>, <class 'gmshparser.nodes_parser.NodesParser'>, <class 'gmshparser.elements_parser.ElementsParser'>])

The main parser class, using other parsers.

class MeshFormatParser
class NodesParser
class ElementsParser

ElementParser is responsible to parse data between tags $Elements and $EndElements.